Monday 10 February 2014

Resi Soma Aji

Resi is from Semarang, central Java, Indonesia. Born on January 1980, he works as a private tutor for school students on subjects like physics and mathematics. He received a little art training some years ago. He is mainly self taught and has learnt from friends and through continuing to draw.
He mainly draws and paints in his spare time. “I draw on not too many themes, only on people and vintage automotive” explains Resi.

His favourite themes are the early years of speedway racing, the TT, and pre 1980′s bike GP. “I saw those periods as very exciting, filled with amazing stories and feats done by some amazing people. Machines with crude (by today’s standard) innovative engineering, but beautiful because of what they were capable of”.

He find his subjects from models, old photos on the net and magazines and mainly draws using ballpoint pen. Not only because they provide those classic ink lines but they are among the cheapest drawing materials. He enjoys getting the best out of cheap materials and seeing what he can achieve.

You can see more of his work and follow him on his Facebook page here.

Meanwhile you can enjoy some of his pieces below. Always respect copyright.